Technology and project services
Main services: - Research & development in separation engineering - Process design work, including testing, simulation, basic design and detail design - Process optimization, including quality improvement, capacity increasing, energy saving, cost reducing - Revamping work, including revamping proposal, revamping design - Fabrication/manufacture of mass transfer equipments, including packed columns, tray columns, demisters/mist eliminator, Liquid Distributors and others various internals - Other services, including installation services, onsite service and start-up services Main fields: - Refinery / Oil refinery - Petrochemical - Fine chemical - Pharmaceutical - Fertilizer - Metallurgical - Other applicable fields Main process: - Distillation - Absorption / Desorption - Extraction - Crystallization - Washing - Heat exchange - Other applicable process
Tel: (+86) 22-2741 0889 Fax: (+86) 22-8789 1666 Address: 12th floor, Bldg. A, QingXin Building, Nankai District, Tianjin 300193, P. R. China (On the Southeast of the cross of Changjiang Road and Nanfeng Road) Website: // E-mail: Copyright (C) 2006 NewTianjin Corp. All right reserved. Legal Notice & Privacy Policy